Apex Legends players demand new support characters after Maggie reveal

Apex Legends players demand new support characters after Maggie reveal

Apex Legends fans are urging Respawn to expand the game’s characters by including additional “support” legends, after the confirmation of Maggie for Season 12 revealed a new attack-oriented character.

Like the announcement of any new season of Apex Legends, plenty of excitement has been generated around Season 12. Fans had hoped for Maggie to be the companion from Fuse who was first revealed in the Season 8 episode and was to become the latest legend in the game, a fact which was confirmed by the reveal of Defiance on the 26th of January.

Although there are some concerns regarding how big her arms are, players are generally extremely excited to enter Storm Point as Maggie and discover what she is capable of.

However, some frustrations among players were revealed following the reveal of Season 12 and players were quick to point out that Maggie will become another “assault myth”.

The Redditor toasterlunch has criticized Respawn in this regard in a post that reads: “As hyped as I am about Season 12 I’m dissatisfied that Maggie is simply another legend of assault with damage-dealing Tactical. In particular, since we only have two support characters and in Season 13, Loba has been in the game for two years.”

The comments included an image that showed Loba along with Lifeline as the game’s sole support legends, as compared to nine legends that they categorized as assault.

Maggie’s Tactical is something like a flame-throwing projectile launcher, not an instrument designed to help different legendary characters (like the Lifeline’s DOC).

A lot of other users in the subreddit for this game were in agreement the post, which was at a whopping 5,000 upvotes as of the writing time.

Some suggested that defense legends (those that are not in the image) could be known as support legends, however others argued that legends designed solely to help teammates make up a small percentage of legends.

Respawn are known for taking the feedback of their community into consideration, however, changing the capabilities of the future legends could disrupt their plans for battle royale.

It will be interesting to see what talents future characters can bring to the party.

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